iNeighbour New Features
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New Features
July 2024
1. Auto Mailer Settings for Feedback Enquiry
Last month iNeighbour introduced the Auto Mailer Settings feature for managing feedback submissions in i-Neighbour. This enhancement allows administrators to set up and customise email notifications to remind users about pending feedback submissions.

A dedicated tab for ‘Auto Mailer’ settings has been added to the side navigation, making it easy for administrators to access and manage email notifications. Four types of mailer settings have been introduced.

These settings allow admins to ensure timely responses and follow-ups on feedback submissions, improving overall communication and feedback management within the system.
2. New Reminder Feature in Manage Event
We also introduced a new reminder feature on the ‘Manage Event’ page, aimed at improving event management and communication.

A new ‘Reminder’ button allows admins to send reminder notifications to selected recipients about upcoming events. This ensures participants are informed and reduces the chances of missing important events. The reminder can be sent only once per day per event, preventing spam and ensuring that notifications are meaningful and timely.

The ‘Last Sent On’ field shows the date and time when the last reminder was sent, providing clear tracking and accountability. The reminder button is only displayed for active events, ensuring that notifications are relevant.

This feature enhances user experience by ensuring timely communication and better management of event reminders.
3. Push Notification Feature
This update also introduces push notifications for the i-Neighbour Web Portal, available for both Admin and Owner accounts.

Real-time push notifications are now available, providing instant alerts for new updates directly on the user's screen. The push notifications function similarly to the existing notification bar. Notifications will appear at the bottom right of the page as long as the user is logged in, ensuring important alerts are not missed.

Users can dismiss push notifications using the 'X' icon, but the dismissed notifications will still be available in the notification bar for later reference.

This enhancement ensures that users receive timely updates and important information without having to check the notification bar continuously, improving communication and efficiency.
4. Import Unit Owner Details Feature
The new feature in i-Neighbour enhances the ‘Import Unit Owner’ and ‘Unit Size’ page, simplifying the process of importing unit owner details.

The import process is divided into clear steps. Users first download a template, fill in the required information, and then upload the completed file.

The system checks for common errors during the file upload, such as missing files, incorrect file types, invalid column headers, and empty data. This ensures that only correct and complete data is imported, reducing errors and streamlining the process. If there are errors in the uploaded file, the system displays detailed error messages with specific instructions on how to correct them. This helps users quickly resolve issues and proceed with the import. The interface allows users to scroll through the columns of the uploaded data, making it easier to review and correct any errors before finalizing the import.

This enhancement makes it easier and more efficient for users to import unit owner details, ensuring accuracy and saving time.
5. Dashboard Cleanup
The latest update focuses on cleaning up the i-Neighbour dashboard by removing outdated items and updating links. This aims to streamline the user interface and provide a more relevant and efficient user experience.

Unnecessary submenus under the guide section have been removed, decluttering the dashboard and making navigation simpler for users. Outdated links have been updated to point to current resources, ensuring that users have access to the latest information and features.

A new section titled ‘Unlock the Full Potential of i-Neighbour’ has been added at the bottom of the dashboard, providing quick access to key features and their respective information pages through the ‘Learn More’ buttons.

These changes enhance the usability and relevance of the dashboard, making it easier for users to find and use the features they need.
Previous Issue: June 2024
Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.
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