i-Account Setup Guide (Abridged)
Welcome to i-Account. Please refer below for a brief guide on how to get started with i-Account.
Setup Guide
1. Login to i-Account

After i-Account module is activated for a particular i-Neighbour account, the Master Admin is able to view the i-Account icon at the right side of the navigation menu. Click on this icon to login to i-Account.
Below is the screen displayed after Admin login to i-Account. To return to i-Neighbour, click on the i-Neighbour icon at the upper-right corner of the screen.
2. Create Admin

Once the i-Account module is activated, only Master Admin is immediately granted access to i-Account.

If you need to provide access for other users, go to Manage Admin (in i-Neighbour) and create Administrators, then assign the new Admin to an i-Account System Role. This role is only enabled when i-Account is activated for the neighbourhood.

After gaining access, the new i-Account Admin will also be able to view the i-Account icon at the right side of the navigation menu.
3. Configure the Chart of Account

The first thing to do in i-Account is to configure your Chart of Accounts. By default, there is a built-in Chart of Accounts in the system.
•  Review the default Chart of Accounts at Banking and General Ledger > Maintenance > GL Accounts. For easier reference, you can also print a complete list at Reports > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts.
•  Customise the Chart by adding new GL accounts or removing unnecessary ones based on your requirements.
•  Next, go to Setup > Setup > System and General GL Setup to review and define the default settings and GL Account assignments for various modules.
•  Refer to the User Guide for more details.
4. Configure Bank Accounts

Following that, set up and configure your Bank accounts and Cash accounts (Banking and General Ledger > Maintenance > Bank Accounts). To ease monitoring and bank reconciliation, it is recommended to create separate GL accounts for each bank account.
Refer to the User Guide for more details.
5. Configure Fiscal Years

Next is to create the Fiscal Years at Setup > Setup > Fiscal Years. By default, there is a Fiscal Year already added in the system.
•  Use the default year or create the appropriate Fiscal Years as required.
•  Go to Setup > Setup > General Setup. Select the current Fiscal Year from the list.
•  Refer to the User Guide for more details.
6. Create Opening Balance

If there are balances from your existing accounting software, you have to follow the steps below to establish the opening balance in i-Accosnt.
1. Go to Fiscal Years. Create a Fiscal Year that is one year before the one you created when you are starting to use i-Account. (So if you start from January 1, 2019, create a Fiscal Year starting January 1, 2018.)
2. Set this as the current year in General Setup.
3. Check if you have all the same GL accounts in i-Account as the ones listed on your Balance Sheet from your previous accounting system. If they do not all exist in i-Account, then create them. Additionally, set up Bank Accounts for your GL Bank accounts and Cash accounts.
4. Go to Journal Entry under Banking and General Ledger. Set the date to be the last of the year (e.g. December 31).
5. Enter the lines from the Balance Sheet one by one. You should end up with a 0 difference because the debits and credits should equal on your Balance Sheet.
6. For the Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) GL account, select the specific “Counterparty” for the balances by choosing the relevant owner Account Code (or Supplier Name) from the drop-down list. This will form the opening balances in Accounts Receivable sub-ledger and allows you to track balances by individual owners. Likewise for Accounts Payable.
7. However, before you can select Account Code/ Supplier Name, ensure that the owners or suppliers have already been imported/created in i-Account. Refer to Step 8 of this Setup Guide and Step 9 of the Operation Guide presented below.
8. Save the Journal Entry.
9. Set the normal Fiscal Year at General Setup again to complete.
For other software migration inquiries (e.g. Import unsettled Accounts Receivable/Payable invoices), contact us for further details.
7. Configure Maintenance Fee & Charges

Now you can configure the Charges of your neighbourhood at Property > Charge Setup. These settings are used for Batch Invoice creation.
•  By default, there are several Charge Types available in the system (e.g. Maintenance Fee, Sinking Fund, Quit Rent and etc.).
•  Review and update the list of Charges, including the description, unit price and determine whether a variable rate or ‘Flat’ rate (all owners billed with the same invoice amount) shall be used for each specific Charge.
•  To invoice a variable amount, set as ‘No’, then choose either ‘Unit Size’ or ‘Share Unit’ as the basis for computation.
•  Water Charge and Electricity Charge is based on meter reading. Go to Property > Water Meter page/ Electricity Meter page > Meter Setup to configure the settings and upload meter reading data. For more information, refer to Step 2 and Step 3 of the Operation Guide presented below.
•  To add a new Charge, go to Accounting menu > Items and Inventory > Maintenance > Items (add as Services category item).
•  Next, at Items and Inventory > Maintenance > Items, for each Charge/ Item, review the default GL Account where the Invoice will be posted (e.g. Maintenance Fee post to Maintenance Fee GL Account).
•  Refer to the User Guide for more details.
8. Import Units from i-Neighbour & Update Units' Property Size

To create Customer/Owner accounts in the accounting system, you can import the Property Unit & owner information from i-Neighbour by clicking the ‘Import Units’ button at Unit Setup.

•   Before import, check that Unit Owners’ details have been set up in i-Neighbour’s Manage Unit.
•   Important: At i-Neighbour, you must assign a unique Account code to each individual owner. This Account code will be imported into i-Account and used to sync owner accounts in both applications (e.g. account data such as invoices, receipts and Statement of Account).
•   After import, key in the Unit Size (or Share Units) for the Property Units. This is used in Batch Invoice creation for Charges that are set as Non-Flat Rate.
9. Configure Late Payment Interest

If necessary, configure the Late Payment Interest settings.
•  At Late Payment Interest page, click on the Interest Settings button.
•  Review the Yearly Interest Rate (default is 10%). Please note that Item 203 - Late Payment Interest has been preset as the interest invoice item and this may not be changed. Go to Accounting menu > Items and Inventory > Maintenance > Items to view or edit the settings for this item, including the GL account for invoicing.
Operation Guide
1. Creating Monthly Maintenance & Other Batch Invoice

You can start creating monthly Batch Invoice for your Charges now! Go to Property > Batch Invoice to create invoices on a one-type Charge for all customers at the same time. The procedure is:

i.   Create a new batch- Click on the ‘New Batch’ button. Configure the options for the batch, including:
Customer Group   Choose the group of customers/owners to bill in this particular batch. Customer Group is managed at Property > Customer Groups.
Start Date & End Date   Start Date & End Date will be displayed on the invoices under Item Description to indicate period covered: e.g. Maintenance Fee (01-10-2019 to 31-10-2019).
Payment terms   Select Payment terms to be displayed on the invoices. Payment terms can be added/edited at Setup > Miscellaneous > Payment Terms.
Comments   Enter a comment that will be displayed under Description on the invoices.
  Note: To insert standard note/text at the bottom of all invoices (e.g. Payment instructions/Collection policy), go to Setup > Setup > Display Setup and enter the details at the ‘Invoice Footer’ section.
 ii.  Create invoices for the batch - Click on the Create (+) icon located at the rightmost column in the table listing.
 iii.  View batch invoices- Click on the View Invoices icon to view in pdf file.
 iv.  Upload Batch Invoices to i-Neighbour- Click on the Upload icon.
Refer to the User Guide for more details.
When you click ‘Upload Batch Invoices to i-Neighbour’, invoices in the selected batch will be synced to i-Neighbour.

The system will send an email and mobile notification to Unit Owners to inform them of the new invoices and they will be able to view their invoices at their user portal.
Admin Login > E-Billing > Invoices
User Login > My Account > E-Billing > Invoice & Payment
2. Upload Water Meter Reading & Create Batch Water Billing

Admin can also upload the Water Meter Readings and create Batch Invoice for Water Billing.
•  If the Water Billing feature is not required, it can be disabled by Admin at Accounting > Setup > Setup > Water Meter Setup. Subsequently, the Water Meter page will be hidden from Property Menu.
•  If you need to use this, firstly, at Water Meter Setup page, configure the applicable rates and minimum charge.
•  Next, at Water Meter page, add the meter reading data for each unit either manually or by importing a csv format file.
•  To use the Import function, click on the ‘Upload Data’ button. Follow the instructions provided and download the csv file to use as a template.
•  Once you have uploaded all the reading, go to Batch Invoice to generate invoices.
•  After Water charge invoices have been generated, you can click on the View invoices icon. Click on the Upload icon to upload the invoices to i-Neighbour.
•  Refer to the User Guide for more details.
 a. Water Meter Setup
 b. Upload Water Meter Reading
 c. Create Batch Water Billing
 d. Sample Water Charge Invoice
3. Upload Electricity Meter Reading & Create Batch Electricity Billing

•  Similarly, if the Electricity Billing feature is not required, it can be disabled by Admin at Accounting > Setup > Setup > Electricity Meter Setup. Subsequently, the Electricity Meter page will be hidden from Property Menu.
•  If you need to use this, firstly, at Electricity Meter Setup page, configure the applicable rates and minimum charge.
•  Next, at Electricity Meter page, add the meter reading data for each unit either manually or by importing a csv format file.
•  To use the Import function, click on the ‘Upload Data’ button. Follow the instructions provided and download the csv file to use as a template.
•  Once you have uploaded all the reading, go to Batch Invoice to generate invoices.
•  After Electricity charge invoices have been generated, you can click on the View invoices icon. Click on the Upload icon to upload the invoices to i-Neighbour.
•  Refer to the User Guide for more details.
 a. Electricity Meter Setup
 b. Upload Electricity Meter Reading
 c. Create Batch Electricity Billing
 d. Sample Electricity Charge Invoice
4. Creating Invoice for Late Payment Interest

You can also charge a Late Payment Interest for your customers. Go to the Late Payment Interest page, add a new Batch first and select Month and Year to be charged, then click (+) to Create batch invoices. Following that, upload the invoices to i-Neighbour.
Please note that the timing to use the Late Payment Interest function is important due to the nature of the charge and the parameters used for the computation. Thus, it is more suitable to use this at a date which is close to and after the calendar month end date.
ii  On the date you use this function, only invoices that are still outstanding will be included in the computation. The period charged for each invoice is the number of overdue days within your selected month until the calendar month end. For instance, if you select March 2019 and all invoices are due prior to March, these invoices will be charged interest for 31 days.
iii  Interest amount will be auto-calculated based on a Simple Interest formula and the earlier configured interest rate.
iv  Interest Amount = Invoice Amount Due × Annual Interest Rate × (No. of days due/ 365 days)
  Refer to the User Guide for more details.
 a. Add Batch for Interest
 b. Create Batch Invoices
 c. Sample Interest Advice
5. Generate Statement of Account & Statement Cum Invoice

To provide owners with a summary of billings and payments for a specific period as well as the outstanding balance, Admin can generate the Statement of Account. These statements can also be synced to i-Neighbour for owners to view in their account via Web or Mobile app. Go to Property > Account Statements.
Admin Login > E-Billing > Account Statement
After generating multiple Charges/Invoices, Admin can choose to create and print out the Customer Statement Cum Invoice which lists all the unpaid invoices in one statement, then deliver the hard copy of the statement to each unit’s letterbox.
6. Add Customer Payment & Print Customer Receipt

When owners make manual payment (i.e. cash, bank transfer, cheque), Admin need to enter the payment details to generate an Official receipt.
•  For owner’s payment of invoices, key in the transaction at Sales > Transactions > Customer Payment. You can choose the amount to allocate against the owner’s list of outstanding invoices. Click ‘Add Payment’ to enter the receipt and print the document.
•  Additionally, at Customer Payment, there is a checkbox for ‘Upload Invoice and Payment’. If the checkbox is ticked, these payment details will be uploaded to i-Neighbour.
•  After syncing, Admin and residents can view the payment details with a link to download the Official Receipt through i-Neighbour Web and Mobile app.
•  If you are currently not allocating the payment to invoices, you can do that later at ‘Allocate Customer Payments or Credit Notes’.
•  For subscribers that are using i-Neighbour’s payment gateway feature, the payment records which will be available in i-Neighbour can also be synced with i-Account.
•  For other types of receipts (cash sales/deposits/miscellaneous income/supplier refund and etc. which has no invoicing), go to Banking and General Ledger > Transactions > Bank Deposit.
Admin Login > E-Billing > Invoices (Invoice updated as Paid)
Admin Login > E-Billing > Invoices > Payment Received Listing
7. Print Customer Aging Report

Every month end, the Admin can print Customer Aging Report for their management review.
8. Print Notice of Demand

If the defaulters has exceeded the allowed outstanding amount, the Admin can print a Notice of Demand and send the letter to the defaulters.
9. Create Supplier & Add Supplier Invoice

When Admin receives a Supplier invoice, Admin can enter it into i-Account.
•  First, add the Supplier at Purchases > Maintenance > Supplier.
•  Ensure that the Item purchased has already been created at Items and Inventory > Maintenance > Items.
•  Enter the supplier transaction at whichever page that is applicable - e.g. Purchase Order, Direct GRN, Direct Supplier Invoice and Supplier Invoice.
•  For services or consumables type of expense (no inventory tracking required), if you wish to skip the creation of Item and Purchase Order, you can go to Supplier Invoice page and enter the transaction by selecting the GL account to post the debit entry.
•  Refer to the User Guide for more details.
10. Create Fixed Asset Item & Purchase Fixed Asset

The system also maintains a Fixed Asset Register with a unique ID for each Fixed Asset Item. Follow the steps in the order below:
•  Add the required Class at Fixed Assets Classes.
•  Add the required Category at Fixed Assets Categories.
•  Add the required Location at Fixed Assets Locations.
•  Create a Fixed Assets Item with the applicable Class and Category.
•  Ensure the required Supplier has been added at Purchases > Maintenance > Supplier.
•  Enter the purchase details at Fixed Assets Purchase and select the Item & Location.
•  Refer to the User Guide for more details.
11. Add Supplier Payment

When Admin is ready to pay the Supplier, Admin can create the payment entry at Payment to Suppliers.

For other types of payment (cash purchase/deposit refund/sundry expenses/petty cash reimbursement and etc.), go to Banking and General Ledger > Transactions > Bank Payment.

Refer to the User Guide for more details.
12. Print Supplier Aging Report

At the month end, Admin can print the Supplier Aging Report for management review.
13. Print Balance Sheet

Other than that, Admin can also print the Balance Sheet for the particular period for management review.
14. Print Trial Balance

Admin can print the Trial Balance as below.
15. Print P&L

Admin can print the Profit and Loss Statement as below.
For more guidance, refer to the detailed i-Account User Guide which is available within the application.
Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at info@i-neighbour.com, we will update it as soon as possible.