Property Accounting System | iNeighbour
Property Accounting System

Smart Community Accounting System
What Sets Us Apart
One True App
Keep track and pay bills, all in one iNeighbour App.
Auto knocks off invoices when payment is received.
List of Features
General Ledger
Fixed Assets
Cash and Bank
Account Receivable & Payable
Financial Statement
Meter Reading
Monthly Charges and Unit Setup
Batch Invoice Creation
Late Payment Interest Charges
Notice of Demand for Defaulters
Auto Knock Off Invoice
Many More
Notable Features
Payment Gateways
Residents may pay bills using iNeighbour with various payment options available.
Payment Options
Debit Card and Credit Card
Online Banking
Monthly Charges & Unit Setup
Management could import unit size from iNeighbour to set up monthly charges.
Batch Invoice Creation
Management may create a batch invoice for pre-set charges.
Pre-Set Charges
Maintenance Fee
Late Payment Interest
(Water & Electricity)
Sinking Fund
Auto Block Defaulter
Defaulters are updated automatically by the system followed by access blocked.
Blocked Access
Barrier Gate
Facility Access
Facility Booking
E-Invoice Compliance (Malaysia)

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