Transform Housing Projects into Smart Community Development with i-Neighbour Smart Residential Community Ecosystem
FingerTec News | 03/01/2020
i-Neighbour's first and foremost scope of work is to build a new generation of the community. Steering the wheel toward smart community development has always been the team's most significant objective since it established in 2017. To overcome the milestone so that this smart residential community ecosystem can be merged seamlessly with communities of all sizes can be observed through i-Neighbour overtime progressive growth.

With the ever-increasing population and demand for housing necessities, the convergence of smarter communities might become one of the future complementary settings for the expansion of the "Smart Community" mission. In its effort to transform housing projects into all-rounded smart housing projects, i-Neighbour forms its three principle smart community information system platforms that can be installed separately as a standalone system or integrated into one sophisticated ecosystem:
Developer Platform
Housing project modules that settle from project launching to vacant possession, to defect management and to house buyers moving in. Managing according to the housing project’s timeline for more impressive coordination and collaboration working relationship.
Community Platform
An inclusive platform for more efficient management, security control, payment settlements, and accounting system after the handing over the property to each house buyer. Service to smoother the handover transition of i-Neighbour management system from the developer to the joint management body (JMB)
Smart Home Platform
Making it a practical choice for neighbourhood to complete the integration of a series of Smart Home devices (such as a wireless smart alarm system that connects to a guardhouse tablet panel and siren kit for emergencies alert) with i-Neighbour smart community system to ameliorate the quality of housing projects.
More than 100 Malaysia communities are deploying i-Neighbour Smart Community System
IOI Properties
Mulpha International Berhad
Thriven Global Berhad
Hock Seng Lee Berhad
Putrajaya Holdings
Eupe Corporation Berhad
Ibraco Berhad
Other overseas communities are respectively located in
For extra security tools of assistance, i-Neighbour has a collaborative relationship with ZK Teco. In return, they deliver a full range of smart access control hardware, namely car park barrier gates, turnstiles, smart surveillance, and long-range RFID barrier gate system. These can be allocated at guardhouse main entry/exit points for an upgrade version of safe community living.
Together, let's pave the way for a smarter and modern living concept through smart cloud technology with i-Neighbour
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