How to Add/Edit/Cancel/Delete a booking |
For Web
In i-Neighbour, there are two ways that Residents can proceed to add a booking into the facility. Firstly, Residents can mouse over to the selected facility under Facilities Overview > Roster Icon or proceed straight to the My Booking page > ‘Book Now’ button. |
Either way, both options will allow the residents to place the booking for the selected facility. Hence, please fill up the fields and click Submit. |
Once done, the added booking will be listed under the Residents’ My Booking Page whereby residents can Edit, Cancel or Delete a booking. |
*Editing of a Booking can only be done when the booking is not yet approved or declined. |
*Cancellation of a Booking can only be done when the booking is not yet approved or declined. |
*Deleting a Booking can only be done after the booking has been approved or declined and the data can no longer be retrieved once deleted. |
For Mobile App
There are two ways to place a booking into the facility. Firstly, to add a booking in the facility via i-Neighbour App, please tap on the Facility Booking Icon under the homepage or MORE > Facility Booking > tap on the + icon. |
Secondly, the next method to add a booking is to proceed with MORE > Facilities. Next, tap on the Roster Icon beside the facility to place a booking. |
Residents will be prompted with a short form to fill up in order to complete the registration. Proceed to tap on ‘Book’ to place the booking. |
Once done, the added booking will be listed under the Residents’ Facility Booking Overview whereby residents can Cancel or Delete a booking. Note that the Edit function is only accessible via the Web Portal of i-Neighbour. |
Depending on the status of the booking, your Details page will be showing the respective action buttons. If the booking status is still in pending or auto-approved, the Cancel Icon will be displayed for you to cancel the booking. On the other hand, if the booking status has been cancelled or declined, the Delete Icon will be displayed instead for you to delete the booking. |
After tapping on the respective icons, a pop-up will appear to confirm the action. Note that the booking data cannot be retrieved once deleted. |